What is WeChat?
We know that China is a world apart. The Eastern country has its own factory and almost everything was not going to be less when it comes to instant messaging. Lately, with the announcement that WhatsApp would be paid (0.89 € / year), many people set out to change service. And without stopping to enter if we pay or not to use Whatsapp, there are different alternatives in the Play Store. Almost everyone migrated to Line, an application that, thanks to its similarity to cartoons and Whastapp, liked a lot. If Spotbros not convince you, Viber does not leave you satisfied, Line seems too “juvenile” not want to pay for Whatsapp and KIK do not like, read on and discover one of the applications that surely will be talking about these months: WeChat.
Also available for Windows Phone, iOS and Symbian (Blackberry OS is developing: BETA) WeChat works more like that as Whatsapp Line. Although it includes features of both applications. With this new application you can chat with whoever we want and share files or make VoIP calls. It also includes the Line style emoticons and discovery function as Spotbros contact. As well as the use of PIN as BBMessenger.
Check-in is like Whatsapp. Through our phone number the application will scan your contacts and see who else has installed WeChat. To add more people to our agenda, we can use the “shake” option, which means that, when agitemos the terminal, the contact look around us. Or we can also give our PIN to hide and so we want our phone number.
The full list of features is:
Platform (Android, BlackBerryOS (beta), iOS, Symbian and Windows Phone)
Group or individual messages
Ability to send videos, pictures, voice memos, locations, contacts …
Conversation history accessible offline
Easy to find contacts around us shaking the device, scanning QRs, synchronizing with the agenda, PIN or location
Web chat support (go here for more info)
Support in over 18 languages
Completely free and without ads
It also allows to log on and view contacts in the Chinese social network QQ.
Undoubtedly, the role of the web chat and facilities in the registry and adding contacts WeChat make a clear competitor Line and Whatsapp. Perhaps it may be the final, although it is too risky to make such statements. I do not know if it will have the fame Line Whatsapp or have achieved, but WeChat is going strong, and it never hurts to give it a try.