Smartphone applications that help you lose weight - Mobile Liker

Smartphone applications that help you lose weight

Fitness HD

This is the most famous and used by fans of the exercise, which can also be downloaded in Spanish application. Its contents range from videos with a variety of exercises, specified for both men and women, even a calorie counter and a pedometer to measure every step you take. You can share every detail and progress in social networks and is ideal for those who want to include in your diet a workout routine.


Count Calories Fat Secret

This application lets you control the calories we consume and we burn during the course of the day. The food you consume and the application will do the rest are introduced. It has a large database of products available in shops and supermarkets, as well as various dishes with the number of calories they contain. Similarly, introducing age, sex and can kilos track to achieve the ideal weight.


Personal trainer

This free application for iPhone, iPad and iPod serves to lose weight, it does functionally replace a personal trainer. The same device provides a guide to the exercises that will allow you to lose weight and make it easier Supplementing a diet all according to physical training. You can choose cardiovascular training or muscle building. Additionally, you can choose the coach and sex: Man, Jack and wife, Sofia.


Light recipes

This application includes more than 300 low-calorie and healthy recipes. Most of the dishes are composed of fish, meat, fruits and vegetables. It includes the entry to the main course, desserts and bajativos to eat with the tranquility of not being fair to consume calories to lose weight. The application can be synchronized with social networks like Facebook and Twitter.


Eat healthy, lose weight

This application teaches you lose weight gradually. It has more than 120 videos to learn how to cook healthy. It is recommended for those who want to lead a healthy life and know the food with better nutritional properties, whether vitamins, antioxidants and minerals needed for daily activity provision.


Lose It!

It is a free apps available for Apple and Android that allows to know the amount of calories of food and keep track of the physical activity. To enter the current weight and desired, calculate the daily calorie intake. You can scan the barcodes of food to know the calorie content.

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