Calorie loss Application - Calorie Counter & JEFIT - Mobile Liker

Calorie loss Application – Calorie Counter & JEFIT

We are already mid-year, and I’m sure many of you have planned to go to the beach this year end. The main problem to go back to the beach after the winter is that we have perhaps gained some extra kilos and we all know that there is no perfect formula for losing. But as in many things, sometimes all help is welcome face to lose weight and control what we eat. Android can take an exhaustive control of the calories we ingest in order to maintain a good shape, and an exercise plan to lose those excess kilos. Today we present a series of applications that you can do this and more, and best of all, in our Android. Do not miss them after cutting.


Calorie Counter


With Calorie Counter application for My FitnessPal we can have perfect control of the calories you eat every day in order to control our weight. Calorie Counter is one of the most comprehensive in terms of calorie counters applications, offering the possibility to access a database of over 750,000 foods classified. We can even use the barcode scanner to find out the calories of what we are eating. My FitnessPal application needs to run because it is added to the first. With the combination of both applications we can make any of the more than 350 exercises that we propose and see its effect on caloric level. Highly recommended for those who wish to have total control over your diet. The application is available in the Android Market for free



It is a true multi-purpose Swiss Army knife as you lose weight. Formerly DroidFit, JEFIT is updating this his version 3.0. There is a paid version with extra features, but we believe that the free version is already complete in itself and I strongly recommend it. JEFIT proposes hundreds of exercises to keep in shape, with details of their effect on our body, such as burning calories, weight loss and muscle toning. From the application itself can keep track of which exercises have been conducted in order to see that results are globally in our body. With JEFIT, we can have absolute control in the form of statistics and graphics of the exercise that we undertake, allowing us to improve any aspect of them and obtain optimum results.

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