Apple releases iOS 6.1.3 beta 2 for developers

Apple Releases iOS 6.1.3 beta 2 for Developers

Apple these past few weeks really quite surprised us updates on issues, it is not usual to release so many versions and so close together, but as they have released versions of iOS 6 have been running into some errors that forced to correct promptly, which is why already working on fixing the known bugs such as skipping the lock screen unlock code.

Mainly Apple says it is working on correcting all errors that have been revealed, but they also are working very hard on the maps to the Asian continent, we must also remember that Apple was recently looking to conquer the continent with their iDevices , and is shown to have had many successes with their devices. But something that certainly almost everyone iUsuarios ask is, what will happen with the jailbreak? know that despite the jailbeak was released in version 6.1 of iOS, have come three expl0it updates where found for Jailbreak (evasi0n) has not been corrected, this gives much to think that Apple in this new version could correct this expl0it and avoid Jailbreak on their devices.

No doubt we should wait to see how it all unfolds this topic, and wait calmly the new version of iOS, also remember that if you are someone who like Jailbreak, do not update immediately when it is released this update and waits for information from credible sources so as not to lose the Jailbreak Untethered.

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