3G will start in full-fledge in June

3GRecently special inauguration of 3G by the state owned Teletalk, BTRC is all set to open auction for competitive licensing. On this june, Five more licenses will be awarded, of which, Four licenses will be awarded through open auction – Government officials confirmed.

But the bottom line is its the competition that gives end-users with more alternative (and probably, a better alternative). Thats what happened when GrameenPhone entered the market which was dominated by citycell – back in 90’s. So better we wait and see what the tide can bring.

So, Basically the competition will get tight for state owned Teletalk who owns less than 2% of the total market share. As the bigger players (GrameenPhone or Banglalink) hit the market, they have the added advantage of their huge user base. Moreover, Network infrastructure and coverage might also be the decisive factor on a highly competitive market.

One thought on “3G will start in full-fledge in June

  • 09/04/2013 at 2:44 PM

    3G is not in the rural areas. Pathetic service by TeleTalk


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