Google Play improvement review

The App Store has always enjoyed the best reputation when it comes to review and catalog apps and games available for iPhone and iPad Google Play. This was due to several factors, but mainly two. Until recently, instead of reviewing the app and publish it later in the store to watch that met safety standards and ocasionase no problems for users in Google Play’s review of each application made after publication. This check is also carried out by an automatic, without human intervention. Meanwhile, Apple, each application was reviewed by a team of people dedicated to check that complies with all safety and quality standards of the company. A few months ago, Google has already decided that it was more appropriate to review the applications prior to posting and today finally decided that in addition to the checks with automatic system, also engaged a team to review them.


With this move, which unites investment verification procedure and publication in the Play Store, Google aims to raise the level of safety and the reputation of its application store for Android OS devices, users and avoid unpleasant shocks with apps they use. But the measures announced by the company do not stay here. In addition, Google will improve in clarity and detail when communicating to a developer why your application has not been accepted for publication in Google Play. And will have more indications to correct problems and bugs found during the review.


Google also announced the adoption of a classification system apps and games for ages, so that users can be informed, at a glance, whether an application is suitable or not for their children. So, today, developers can receive an objective score of their age applications only fill out a questionnaire rating. The new system will apply Google Play features the official ratings agencies such as the International Index coalicción Age (IARC) and the organisms that depend on it, among which are the Council of Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB), Information Pan-European Games (ESRB), the Australia Classification Board, the USK and Classind. Should the games and applications are to be published in the shop of a country that is not covered by any official agency classification, a generic age rating is displayed. The process leading to the classification of apps to Google Play is fast and automatic, and will not cause any costs to developers, because it is free.


Cataloged apps start appearing on Google Play over the coming weeks. Which have so far not qualified are identified as “unclassified” and may in some countries or regions suffering blockades for certain users. However, as of May, both new apps and updates for existing will have to have completed the questionnaire classification before publication on Google Play.

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